Welcome to Personal Pronoun

This is where I showcase my photography, creative images and words of others that have inspired me, and also share stories behind these images. I hope you enjoy viewing these images and reading my stories and, that they promote your creative thinking.

Max Szmekura

(aka Modechai Ben Yosef)

Photographer and Story Teller

No reproduction rights are granted without the express written permission of Max Szmekura. No other usage is expressed or implied.


Why “Personal Pronoun”

As fellow human beings we identify ourselves generically as I, me, you, we, he, her,… etc.

This is an expression of self awareness and awareness of others. The presence of others in our lives validates our own existence and provides the foundation upon which we all relate to each other. I share these images and words with You… It is a start, the rest is up to Us…

“Spirit is not in the I but between I and You.”
Martin Buber, I and Thou